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2024 Doug Magnon Rally

2024 Doug Magnon Rally

by Philip Maserati

3 months ago

Sign-Up Here:

This will be an amazing weekend!  We are going to drive incredible roads, see great museums, and get a private tour of the shop which just won the best Maserati at Pebble Beach!

Where to start!
Friday:  Drive the most iconic roads in Los Angeles and wind your way to the Zimmerman Driving museum.  We have an inside connection and the tour will be a blast.

Next we'll move on to FAST-CARS LTD.  If you have never been there you will be blown away.  These folks have more Pebble beach trophies than Max Verstappen has F1 wins!  They do it all, full on restorations to maintenance of your classic Maserati.

Friday night we will be go to one of THE most iconic restaurants in Los Angeles.   Frank Sinatra's famout Steak Sinatra was invented here.  He spent more time at the bar then..never mind we'll just say every star in Hollywood has hung out here at one time or another!

SATURDAY will start with one of the most incredible drive you
can do in the LA area, we are going up and over the LA Crest Highway...

After lunch on Saturday the fin will continue, there will be an optional tour of Nethercutt Museum.  We have gone through the music machines, this time we'll go see the Pebble Beach winners.

As usual, Saturday night will be the gala dinner, no awards, but it will be blast!

We will finish the weekend off at the Best of France & Italy! This is one of the greatest local car show, expect the un-expected!

We no longer manage hotel reservations, but we will start each day at the Pasadena Hilton.

Sign-up Now:

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Philip & Barbara


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