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Instructions for setting up your TMC login credentials and Membership

Membership Setup Instructions

by Barbara Yanni

5 years ago

Welcome to The Maserati Club of California!  We are so happy you have decided to join our amazing car club!  In order to activate your membership, please follow the steps below.   PLEASE BE AWARE THAT YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SIGN UP FOR ANY TMC EVENTS UNLESS YOU HAVE AN ACTIVATED MEMBERSHIP.


 #1:  Go to and CREATE A USER ACCOUNT.


#2:  Select the “log in” link


 #3.  Click “create account”

#4  After you click the “create account” button, you will be asked to enter your full name and email address (your email address will be your username).


 #5.  After a few minutes, you will receive a confirmation email that your account has been successfully created. Click the “activate your account” button.

#6  A few minutes later, you will receive a confirmation email that your account has been activated (you can click on “visit our store” to go back into the TMC website if you are no longer logged in to the site; however, if you are doing these steps all in one sitting, chances are that you will still be logged on to the site and won’t need to do this). 

#7 Once you return to the TMC website, you should still be logged in with your new username. If for any reason you are no longer logged in, click on the “log in” link and enter the username and password that you just setup.


 Once you are logged in with your username, you can now setup your membership (an active membership is required to sign up for events).

 #8  Select the “Membership” tab at the top of the page.  The annual TMC membership will display.  Select your payment method (either credit card or paypal).  


  #9.  In the example below, I have chosen a payment by credit card.  Here you will enter your CC details.  (Note: if you choose Paypal as your payment option, you will be redirected to the Paypal website and will need to follow their instructions.  Please note that you need a Paypal account to pay with Paypal).


 When you hit “subscribe”, you should see a screen confirming that your membership was setup successfully. 


 If you have any problems, questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email Barb directly ( and she will be happy to help you in any way she can.






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